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A specialized clinic treating the underlying cause of your migraine and headache
not just the symptoms

If you need to lie down or are lacking concentration due to headaches or migraines, Book Now

We specialize in treating all types of
migraines and headaches

The struggle to effectively manage migraine attacks often leads people to rely on medications that do not provide a comprehensive solution. Traditional migraine medications often fail to address the underlying issues that contribute to the frequency and severity of these attacks.


Medications primarily work as a temporary measure, desensitizing the brainstem only when they are present in the body. Once these medications are stopped, the brainstem can revert to a sensitized state, potentially resulting in an increase in the number of migraine episodes.


Our approach offers a compelling alternative by targeting the root causes of migraines rather than just relieving symptoms.

Research suggests that the brainstem in migraineurs may become sensitized due to abnormal neural signals originating from musculoskeletal problems in the upper cervical spine. Our precise, hands-on protocol is designed to desensitize the brainstem, thereby eliminating the underlying cause of migraines.

With this natural and drug-free method, we bypass symptomatic treatment and use a preventive strategy because we correct and maintain the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system.


People treated with this modern and scientifically tested method find that the frequency and intensity of their migraines decrease over time, offering a more sustainable solution to the fight against migraines.

Types of migraines and headaches we treat

Migraine with or without aura

Migraine is a complex neurological disorder producing symptoms like nausea, light or sound sensitivity, dizziness and disorientation.

Tension type headache

85% of the population has a tension headache and affects mostly women experience. This headache usually starts in temples without a reason.

Cluster headache

A person with a cluster headache can have 1- 2 episodes of severely painful cluster attacks that can last from 10-15 minutes up to 3 hours.

Cervicogenic headache

Cervicogenic headache can mimic migraine, cluster headache or tension headache. 

Menstrual migraine

Pure menstrual migraine occurs 1-3 days before or after menstruation and women affected by them do not experience any other migraines outside of their menstruation cycle. 

Vestibular migraine

Vestibular migraine may manifest itself with headache, dizziness, photophobia, nausea, fatigue and even sleep disturbances.

Whiplash headache

Whiplash can cause neck pain and surrounding muscle tension, reduced range of motion, and headaches.

Sinus headache

Sinus headache can occur due to respiratory infections in patients experiencing oversensitivity of the trigeminal nerve.

Cyclic vomiting syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome is a condition that affects often children and the pathway leading to a proper diagnosis can be very frustrating.

Hemiplegic migraine

This is an extremely rare subtype of migraine with aura, manifested by weakness of one side of the body during the attack.

What to expect during headache and migraine treatment

reha migrena i ból głowy


We asses your vertebral arteries and the stability of your neck.

Temporary reproduction of your familiar head pain confirms that your neck is responsible for you headache.

No painful techniques or neck cracking is involved in evaluation or treatment

 ból głowy z tyłu


By recognizing which of the three upper cervical vertebrae is responsible for your migraine or headache, we treat the root cause of your symptoms, which is central sensitization.



In treatment we work on the cervical spine in order to correct any rotations in that region. We also centralize the disc between the C2-3 vertebrae.

This way, we treat the root cause of your migraine, i.e. brainstem sensitization.

ból głowy


It is important to us that you don't have recurring headaches, so depending on your diagnosis, you'll be given tips on how to prevent your symptoms from recurring.

What causes my migraines or headaches? 

Contact our clinic for an examination if:

  • if you tried other therapies in the past that failed

  • you experience a headache once on the right side, another time on the left side of your head

  • the pain moves from right side to the left within one episode

  • the headache becomes more intense as the day goes

  • headache can be triggered by head movement, such as prolonged looking up or down

  • headache occurred after an injury to the cervical spine, e.g. in a car accident

  • you were diagnosed with Whiplash injury after an accident

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why choose us

migrena przyczyny
80% of people sees 80% of pain reduction after 4-5 treatments
leczenie migreny
non-invasive, evidence-based and medication free treatment
ból z tylu głowu
effective treatment of all types of migraines and headaches
migrena objawy
no neck cracking involved

Krótkie video tłumaczące w jaki sposób leczymy migrenę oraz bóle głowy w Reha Migrena.

centralna sensytyzacja pnia mózgu

what is sensitized brain stem?

I think that everyone who has had a migraine at least once in their life knows that migraine is not just an ordinary headache, but a complex neurological disease that significantly interferes with everyday functioning. For people who seek relief throughout their illness, understanding the underlying causes of migraine, and in particular the role of central sensitization, is crucial to finding effective treatments.

When dealing with a migraine headache, the interaction between the trigeminal nerve and the upper cervical nerves plays a key role. This area is called the "trigeminocervical complex", which can become hypersensitive, consequently leading to central sensitization.


Central Brainstem Sensitization may be caused by "central" (i.e. located in our brain) or "peripheral" (i.e. peripheral, outside our brain) factors. Central sensitization is a type of "hypersensitivity" of our brain and spinal cord to repeated exposure to pain signals, causing normal sensations to become painful.

"Central" sensitization occurs when we are dealing with a problem in the central nervous system. An example here may be a malfunction of the inhibitory system in the brain or a serotonin deficiency, which are responsible for silencing information flowing to the brain.

"Peripheral" sensitization occurs when harmful information from a problematic place outside our brain constantly enters the central nervous system. Therefore, it is so important to identify whether migraine is caused by "central" or "peripheral" sensitization in order to select appropriate treatment.


“Central” sensitization requires treatment that focuses on the brain's processing of pain. This is usually a drug treatment designed to regulate the levels of chemicals in the brain.

"Peripheral sensitization" requires precise identification and elimination of the source. For this purpose, it is necessary to skillfully examine the upper part of the cervical spine.

Research confirms that the use of selective and appropriately selected manual therapy on the upper cervical spine is effective in the treatment of migraine caused by peripheral sensitization. This is a proven treatment strategy.

At Reha Migrena in Poznań, we treat cervical migraines using a scientifically tested method.

migrena z aurą i leczenie

Medication Free Method

Are you one of the 8 million migraine sufferers in Poland who depend on triptans or pain medications to ease the symptoms? Did you also notice that you also experience medication overuse headaches and other side effects after taking medications? Medications affect each person individually, some people experience partial symptoms resolution, while others don’t see a significant reduction in head pain.

We offer a medication-free approach that is completely safe and provide a second opinion to find the root cause of your head pain.

naturalne leczenie migreny
Did you know that:
  • The most recent research suggests that 90% of the causes of migraine and headaches are cervicogenic.

  • Over 70% of people who are migraine sufferers are misdiagnosed.

  • A leading researcher stated that the ‘patient's presentation of a headache or migraine is a common diagnostic challenge because the patient has many different signs and symptoms that overlap.’ This makes doctors, using the Medical Model of Headache, give the patient not one, but 2 or 3 diagnoses. This is why over the past 20 years many academics have recognized that the Medical Model of Headache is no longer relevant or useful for diagnosing migraine and headaches.

  • Recent research has shown that migraine, cluster and tension headache, menstrual migraine all share common disorder – sensitized brain stem.

częste bóle migrenowe

a safe space

At Reha Migrena, we have created a space for people suffering from migraines and headaches. Here you can comfortably share your story and your symptoms will not be ignored. You will meet with understanding and professional care.

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our services

Migraine, Headache, and Neck pain

At reha Migrena in Poznań, we offer modern diagnostics and treatment of all types of migraines and headaches. Our therapists are trained in revolutionary migraine treatment methods. The methods we use are safe for children and pregnant women.

Migrena, Ból Głowy i Karku
Terapia Czaszkowo-Krzyżowa

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on, and non-invasive modality that aims to release movement restrictions in the CranioSacral system and restore normal functions to the affected area. Restrictions in the CranioSacral system may cause sensory mental and/or motor dysfunctions. It is widely used in chronic and psychosomatic pain, digestive issues, stress, anxiety, and depression.

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