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Terapia Czaszkowo-Krzyżowa

CranioSacral Therapy in Poznań

CranioSacral Therapy can help you with

  • Stress

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • OCD

  • Fertility

  • Mental Health

  • Jaw dysfunction

  • Chronic pain

  • Lower back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Headaches & Migraines

  • Ringing in the ear (tinnitus)

  • Emotional trauma

  • Central Nervous System disorders

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Hormonal dysfunction

  • Immune disorders

  • General musculoskeletal pain

CranioSacral Therapy for Physical & Emotional Wellbeing

Restrictions in our body form throughout our whole life. Our body has many ways to compensate for various restrictions, but at some point, the compensation patterns fail and we experience symptoms like pain, tingling sensation, heaviness, general malaise and many more.

Your therapist in Opole will apply gentle pressure to receive the information from your body and identify the origin of the dysfunction. As the fascia envelops all the structures in your body, the original restriction might not be where you are experiencing the pain.

The light-touch therapy will be unique to your needs. Your therapist will use a technique either to relieve joint compression, soft tissue techniques or techniques aimed at moving the fluids.

"The greatest wealth is health"

What can I expect during the treatment?

CranioSacral uses light touch to heal the physical and emotional system. As the structures and functions of the body are interrelated it will be possible to feel shifts and changes in a different part of the body than the one where the pressure is applied on. Of course, the more someone is sensitive and aware, the easier it will be to feel its own CranioSacral movement.

What benefits can I expect?

CranioSacral does work on the Central Nervous System and the palette of benefits varies from emotional to physical. CranioSacral therapy requilibrates the CranioSacral System.


terapia czaszkowo-krzyżowa

"The CranioSacral system is a recently discovered physiological system... that produces, circulates and reabsorbs the Cerebrospinal Fluid. If your body is unable to accommodate pressure changes in the Craniosacral system, the buildup of pressure can contribute to dysfunction and ill health, especially in the Central Nervous System.

Craniosacral therapy techniques can restore homeostasis to the brain and nervous

Treatments to remove restrictions

What is CranioSacral therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on, and non-invasive modality that aims to release movement restrictions in the CranioSacral system and restore normal functions to the affected area. Restrictions in the CranioSacral system may cause sensory mental and/or motor dysfunctions. Light touch therapy is utilized, as the less pressure is applied, the more your body can communicate with a therapist and show where the restrictions are. Firm pressure can cause the soft tissue to “guard” and go into the “defend” mode, instead of relaxing. This will allow the therapist to evaluate dysfunction by palpating the fluid movement within the ventricles of the brain and through the Dural membranes.

What is the CranioSacral Rythm?

CranioSacral rhythm is created by a fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord and circulates beneath the cranial bones. The rhythm is palpable on your whole body and your therapist can detect any restrictions in your CranioSacral rhythm that can lead to tension patterns and affect the functioning of all bodily systems.

What is the Fascia?

The Fascia envelops and connects all structures in your body. It surrounds our muscles, joints, organs, brain, spinal cord, and any other structures in your body that you can think of. This is why is so important to have a well-aligned fascia to allow harmonious movement and body processes. Any restrictions in the fascia can cause a disruption to normal function and movement that leads to strain patterns throughout the whole body.

Lęk, depresja, zdrowie psychiczne i uwolnienie emocjonalne

Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health and Emotional Release

CranioSacral Therapy can help your anxiety, depression & improve your mental health

During a typical CranioSacral Therapy (CST) treatment, the body relaxes and the brain slows down, stored emotions may surface for healing.  Somato Emotional Release (SER) is a therapeutic process that uses and expands on the principles of CranioSacral Therapy to help rid the mind and body of the residual effects of trauma.  

CST & SER can have a positive effect on the regulation of mood, reducing anxiety and inducing deep relaxation. While the individual focuses on relaxation, the therapist increases the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). As the PNS coordinates with the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), it triggers the body to secrete hormones, such as serotonin, which flood the body and brain with increased calmness and wellbeing. Heart rate and blood pressure decrease as a combination of  "feel-good" hormones, coupled with mindfulness, help induce relaxation.

By normalizing the environment around the brain and spinal cord and enhancing the body's ability to self-correct, CranioSacral Therapy is able to decrease or alleviate a wide variety of emotional and physical dysfunctions, from chronic pain and sports injuries to depression and mental health issues.


After receiving CranioSacral Therapy (CST) treatments for a variety of reasons, including anxiety and depression... 74% of these patients reported a “valuable improvement” 67% reported an improvement... 70% were able to decrease their medication use or discontinue use altogether.

metoda czaszkowo-krzyżowa na depresję

What is depression and how it can manifest

Depression is a serious mental health condition that is often accompanied by multiple symptoms, including intense sadness, fatigue, and loss of interest in life. According to the National Health Fund, it is estimated that 1.2 million Poles suffer from depression. While medications help, alternative methods play a large role in recovery. Stress and anxiety management, psychotherapy, and therapeutic treatments such as craniosacral therapy can also provide relief.

A CranioSacral Therapy study on depression, mental health & migraine

A study published in 2011 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

157 patients received CranioSacral Therapy (CST) treatments for a variety of reasons, including headaches and migraines, neck and back pain, and anxiety and depression. 74% of these patients reported a “valuable improvement in their presenting problem,” 67% reported an improvement in general well-being and secondary symptoms tied to pain or chronic stress, and 70% were able to decrease their medication use or discontinue use altogether.

Stres i Zespół Stresu Pourazowego

Stress & PTSD

CST can have a positive calming effect, enhancing mood, reducing stress and letting go of trauma stored in the body.

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a debilitating fatigue that is more prevalent among people in their 40s and 50s but can occur at any age.

Przewlekłe zmęczenie
Mgła mózgowa i urazy głowy

Brain Fog & Head Injury

Bones misalignment in your skull can lead to the sensation of fogginess. CST works to help remove blockages and realign the CranioSacral system.

Scientific study about CranioSacral therapy

What is CranioSacral therapy?

"CranioSacral Therapy (CST) was pioneered and developed by Dr. John E. Upledger following extensive scientific studies at Michigan State University, where he served as a clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics. CST consists of mindful, non-invasive fascial palpation techniques applied between the cranium and sacrum. Besides releasing myofascial structures, CST intends to normalize sympathetic nerve activity, often increased in chronic pain patients, by modifying craniosacral body rhythms. Reducing physiological arousal and switching to the parasympathetic mode has been shown to enhance the body’s ability for physiological regulation and tissue relaxation, and to decrease chronic pain." 


"CST showed greater post-intervention effects on pain intensity and disability compared to treatment as usual... and on pain intensity and disability compared to active manual treatments. At six months, CST showed greater effects on pain intensity... In patients with chronic pain, this meta-analysis suggests significant and robust effects of CST on pain and function lasting up to six months."

​Read the article below that statistically shows the efficacy of CranioSacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy for chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials



To systematically assess the evidence of Craniosacral Therapy (CST) for the treatment of chronic pain.



PubMed, Central, Scopus, PsycInfo and Cinahl were searched up to August 2018. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the effects of CST in chronic pain patients were eligible. Standardized mean differences (SMD) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for pain intensity and functional disability (primary outcomes) using Hedges’ correction for small samples. Secondary outcomes included physical/mental quality of life, global improvement, and safety. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane tool.



Ten RCTs of 681 patients with neck and back pain, migraine, headache, fibromyalgia, epicondylitis, and pelvic girdle pain were included. CST showed greater post intervention effects on: pain intensity (SMD = -0.32, 95%CI = [− 0.61,-0.02]) and disability (SMD = -0.58, 95%CI = [− 0.92,-0.24]) compared to treatment as usual; on pain intensity (SMD = -0.63, 95%CI = [− 0.90,-0.37]) and disability (SMD = -0.54, 95%CI = [− 0.81,-0.28]) compared to manual/non-manual sham; and on pain intensity (SMD = -0.53, 95%CI = [− 0.89,-0.16]) and disability (SMD = -0.58, 95%CI = [− 0.95,-0.21]) compared to active manual treatments. At six months, CST showed greater effects on pain intensity (SMD = -0.59, 95%CI = [− 0.99,-0.19]) and disability (SMD = -0.53, 95%CI = [− 0.87,-0.19]) versus sham. Secondary outcomes were all significantly more improved in CST patients than in other groups, except for six-month mental quality of life versus sham. Sensitivity analyses revealed robust effects of CST against most risk of bias domains. Five of the 10 RCTs reported safety data. No serious adverse events occurred. Minor adverse events were equally distributed between the groups.



In patients with chronic pain, this meta-analysis suggests significant and robust effects of CST on pain and function lasting up to six months. More RCTs strictly following CONSORT are needed to further corroborate the effects and safety of CST on chronic pain.


Protocol registration at Prospero



Haller, H., Lauche, R., Sundberg, T. et al. Craniosacral therapy for chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 21, 1 (2020). 

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